27 Luglio 2024
the artisans

01 - Alab´arte
- Alabaster

Road / square: Via Orti di S.Agostino, 28
Municipality: 56048 Volterra (PI)
Telephone: +39 0588 87968
Fax: +39 0588 85506

Show room:
via Don Minzoni, 18
56048 Volterra (PI)

Alab´Arte is the only artisan shop in Volterra which makes sculptural alabaster. It is located 50 meters from the Guarnacci Museum and 30 meters from parking lot n° 2 (Porta Marcoli). The shop is open to group visits, during which Giorgio and Roberto are happy to give explanations to the visitors on working methods and show them their work.
Sculture in alabastro
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